Asuoyeboah - Market Junction, Kumasi - Ghana (West Africa)
Mon - Fri : 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Manna Projects was established in June 2005 to provide hope for the poor. Manner is the Biblical "Bread from Heaven" provided for the people in hard times of need. (Psalm 78:23,24). Manna Projects is a non-profit Christian Non Governmental Organization established to provide micro financial services to the economically active poor. We provide the "missing link" between the poor and salvation.


The missioin of Manna Projects is to serve as a vehicle through which the "Biblical Manna" from Heaven will fall on the poor for enterprise development and income generation to transform the lives of the economically disadvantaged.


The vision of Manna Projects is to build a Christian Institution capable of enhancing the capacity of the poor economically, spiritually and socially to be able to provide basic necessities like food, shelter, good health and clothing for themselves, their families, their churches and their communities.


1. To contribute to poverty reduction through micro-enterprise stimulation and job creative for income generation among the poor.

2. To provide credit with training to micro and small enterprises.

3. To provide the requisite business management training for micro enterpreneuers to enhance their gradual growth from the micro level to the middle level.

4. To inculate the spirit of savings into the poor through "SUSU SAVINGS" for their capital build ups.

5. To improve the self-esteem, confidence, self reliance and economic empowerment of the poor in society.

Individual Loan

Apply for an individual Loan with little interest.

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Group Loan

Be part of a small group and apply for a group Loan with little interest.

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SME Loan

Apply for an SME Loan with little interest.

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Years Experience




Satisfied Clients


Loans Awaiting

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